of Industrial Life
★★★★★ 5/5
Expert in the manufacture of tools with high durability for Agriculture, Industry and Public Works, Deguy-Conge works to develop its knowledge and expertise to serve its customers and employees.
A human-sized company located in the heart of the Champagne-Ardenne region, Deguy-Conge distributes its products worldwide

ISO 9001 certification: Follow-up audit validated!
DEGUY-CONGE is pleased and proud to announce the validation of its first follow-up audit! We have successfully met the obligations of the standard. This results in a daily teamwork between all departments and the field. A common goal: the continuous improvement of our Quality Management System to ensure the satisfaction of our customers! For us, this certification is a guarantee of the quality and commitment of our teams at your side. It also highlights the performance of our approach and our willingness to adopt an attitude of improvement and efficiency on a daily basis.

Deguy Conge
Expert in the manufacture of tools with high durability for Agriculture, Industry and Public Works, Deguy-Conge works to develop its knowledge and expertise to serve its customers and employees.
A human-sized company located in the heart of the Champagne-Ardenne region, Deguy-Conge distributes its products worldwide.
Deguy-Conge products present all over the world